Lake Gardens, Kuala Lumpur

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A small pond at the Lake Gardens
Water feature by the pavement
Greenery in the Lake Gardens
Officially named the Perdana Botanical Gardens, is an amazing, and Kuala Lumpur's very first large-scale recreational park. Occupying over 266 acres in land, it is surrounded by the city's high urban skyline. However, inside the park boundaries are lush green gardens, with lots of different activities. 

The attractions and activities include a deer park, an orchid garden, a topiary collection, a conservatory, a herb garden, an amphitheater, a hibiscus park, and many more. If you're not keen on walking too much, you can always drive around and park nearer to the activity you intend on heading to. 

While walking through the park on a beautiful and sunny Sunday afternoon, I was pleased to see many joggers taking a run through the park, admiring the view and sweating it out. During my short adventure to the park, I also learned that many couples have their wedding photos taken in the park, among the lively greenery. In fact, I even saw a wedding take place! 

By the lake, there was a bright architectural structure, a modern steel structure, painted bright yellow, to provide shelter and shade for visitors. The floor of the structure was molded to create a few seating areas, some around the hollow columns. I thought it was a wonderful addition to the park, and created a sense of modernity in nature. Triangular shapes, some transparent, some translucent and some opaque, make for a youthful and lively vibe. 
Architectural installation by the lake
Architectural installation by the lake
Not too far away, is another architectural installation, titled the 'Bamboo Playhouse'. Made entirely of bamboo and tied together with string, the Bamboo Playhouse is composed of several wooden platforms, some with vertical boundaries, also made with bamboo. With seemingly Japanese influence, it is situated by the side of a small river, and near another small garden with bamboo plants.

Perfect for young children, not-so-young children, and adults who act like children, the Bamboo Playhouse is a great place to hang out and chat. Some of the platforms are raised, with bamboo ladders to climb up above, making small tree house-like structures. It truly is a vision of the perfect childhood getaway from the loud city. 
Bamboo Playhouse in Lake Gardens, KL
Bamboo Playhouse in Lake Gardens, KL