
09:12 Unknown 0 Comments

Today I welcome you, whoever you may be, wherever you may be, to the (not so) grand launch of Celine's Causerie. I've decided to start this blog not just to document my own life and experiences, but also to catalogue my thoughts, my opinions and my character as of now.

Writing has long been a passion of mine, though mostly as an outlet of emotion or as a way of organizing my own thoughts. Truthfully, I reckon I express myself much more eloquently in the written word than I do verbally. I find that I much prefer to speak my thoughts in the noise of pen and paper or the rhythm of computer keys, as opposed to the invisible words that come from my lips.

I have a deep love for the arts and all that it encompasses, and for that reason I hope that for all you lovers of the arts, especially in KL, this blog may be something enjoyable to read, whilst you scroll through Facebook and Instagram for entertainment.

Take it easy on me, I'm a newbie, or in colloquial language, a "n00b".